U ols pernah rasa..
Se down yang mungkin..
Bila dah rasa down bagai nak gila..
U ols buat apa??
Menjerit di tepi pantai..??
Menjerit di tepi pantai..??
Tepi tingkap.. (tapi jangan terjun udah le :) )
Tidur sehingga mencecah lebih 24jam..??
Lempang kuat-kuat pipi gebu u ols tu..??
Maki hamun segala yang u ols nak maki..??
Maki hamun segala yang u ols nak maki..??
Meluangkan masa di atas tikar sejadah..
Sambil berfikir segala buruk baik..??
Atau apa yang u ols buat??
Mengadu pada yang Esa..
Memang langkah yang bagus..
Sebab DIA tak pernah mengecewakan hambaNya yang meminta..
Tapi salah satu cara yang boleh diguna pakai..
Untuk bagi diri lebih motivated dari situasi yang sungguh down..
U ols boleh google..
Quotes / any philosophy tentang life..
or something yang related dengan situasi down u ols tu..
Semua benda kalau kita berpositif..
Semua akan jadi positif..
Kalau negatif..
Negatif la jawabnya..
"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation."--Plato
"Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much."--Oscar Wilde
"Better to fail with honour than to succeed with fraud."--Sophocles
"Praise in public, criticise in private."--AJ2008
"Materialism: buying things we don't need with money..
We don't have to impress people that don't matter."
"Cheerfulness will open doors when other keys fail."
"Every problem has a gift for you in its hands."--Richard Bach
"Sometimes the best things in life happen after you've done..
What you're 'supposed' to do and are free to follow your dreams."
"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."--Theodore Roosevelt
"Whatever you are, be a good one."--Abraham Lincoln
When we remember we are all mad..
The mysteries disappear and life stands explained. ~Mark Twain
Before you talk about what you want - appreciate what you have.
till then..
kalau akak, crying is the best way.. tapi jgn lama sgt, just utk melepaskan ketensionan itu.. lepas tu, back to the business!! hehehe
hehe.. tq kak! crying mmg bleh relievekan segala gundah gulana.. :)
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